Awwwwwright friends, ready more challenges? This one is simple: I'll give you a clue from movies, songs, history, literature, etc. and you give me the appropriate question. For instance, if I said, "I am Sam, Sam I am" your question would be, "Do you like green eggs & ham?" See what you could do!
- Both the Wizard of Oz, and the rock band The Who wanted to know......
- Question that made the Joker the Joker......
- In a song filled with questions, Elvis Presley asked, "Is your heart filled with pain/ Shall I come back again?/ Tell me Dear:..........
- On the cross, Jesus cried, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?" meaning......
- According to Dirty Harry, it's what I should ask myself......
- What Julius Caesar asked, in Latin, of a trusted friend who turned up at his assassination. (no, it wasn't WTF? )
- Pontius Pilate thought he was smart when he asked Jesus this......
- According to Hamlet, THAT is the question.......
- Ask any mermaid ya happen to see........
- Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel must have been looking for good deals on parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, 'cuz they asked us........
- Third question after, "What's your name? Who's your Daddy?"
- Bud Abbott confused Lou Costello with his answer to this question about a baseball team....
- Square, and yellow, and porous is he............
- Question that got Oliver Twist in big trouble.....
- Greeting from a scwewy wabbit......
Th-th-th-that's all, folks!
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