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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So What Was the Question?

   Awwwwwright friends, ready more challenges? This one is simple: I'll give you a clue from movies, songs, history, literature, etc. and you give me the appropriate question. For instance, if I said, "I am Sam, Sam I am" your question would be, "Do you like green eggs & ham?" See what you could do!
  1. Both the Wizard of Oz, and the rock band The Who wanted to know......
  2. Question that made the Joker the Joker......
  3. In a song filled with questions, Elvis Presley asked, "Is your heart filled with pain/ Shall I come back again?/ Tell me Dear:..........
  4. On the cross, Jesus cried, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani?" meaning......
  5. According to Dirty Harry, it's what I should ask myself......
  6. What Julius Caesar asked, in Latin, of a trusted friend who turned up at his assassination. (no, it wasn't WTF? )
  7. Pontius Pilate thought he was smart when he asked Jesus this......
  8. According to Hamlet, THAT is the question.......
  9. Ask any mermaid ya happen to see........
  10. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel must have been looking for good deals on parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, 'cuz they asked us........
  11. Third question after, "What's your name? Who's your Daddy?"
  12. Bud Abbott confused Lou Costello with his answer to this question about a baseball team....
  13. Square, and yellow, and porous is he............
  14. Question that got Oliver Twist in big trouble.....
  15. Greeting from a scwewy wabbit......
Th-th-th-that's all, folks!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Let Me RePhrase That!

   I never did believe the story that we use only 10% of our brains (or our minds).  But since scrolling through memes and silly videos uses about a half of one percent, I thought it good put out some mental challenges to get your neurons fired up! Plus, I like to find out who's as smart as me. So my goal with this blog is to have some fun while stirring up your logic, imagination, and memory.
   Here's the contest: I'll take some well-known quotes, sayings, titles, lyrics and stuff, then re-word them in my own peculiar idiom. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cast them back into their original language! For example, "We Be Toys" is Toys 'R' Us. Words in brackets are hints. Ready?
1) You are merely a domesticated Canis lupus, perpetually shedding tears. {song lyrics}
2) Yo, tell me if you are able to perceive via daybreak's initial illumination.....{lyrics}
3) Harold the Earthenware Maker and the Chalice of Rapid Oxidation {title}
4) Interstellar Conflicts {movie}
5) 0-0=0 {lyrics}
6) The Ambulatory Expired {TV show}
7) Sucrose, and seasoning, and all things pleasant are the main ingredients of prepubescent females. {saying}
8) Jaundiced U-boat {song}
9) Beantown Scarlet Stockings {pro sports team}
10) Mute and More Mute {movie}

Good luck!